About us
Support us, Like us --> www.facebook.com/uncancerindia
Our vision is to setup a nationwide platform to provide support and counseling services to Cancer patients and their families and engage in initiatives around prevention and early detection of Cancer.
Our goal is to reach out to “All†Cancer Patients across India and that makes us different from many of the local support groups that exist today. We are banking on unconventional methods such as crowdsourcing model and leveraging new technologies to engage with the community.
We started our journey from Feb this year are in process of getting our organization registered. Awards: Incubation support from one of the social incubators (http://bit.ly/Xp9d4M ).

Causes we work on
Awards won
- Runner up globally in The 'BIG C' Competition by Livestrong Foundation at Austin
- USA Recipient of DNA Winners in Life Award Level 1 Investee at UnLtd India
Why work with us
We are looking for volunteers who can help us with:
1. Blogging, articles and content writing: The scope involves development of content for various generic topics in the field of Cancer. We want bloggers and creative writers who can engage users through this content... This would not be medical specific writing and we invite non-medical writers also for this.
2. Creative needs: We are running a nationwide campaign "Call for Survivors" - online and offline channel. The creative team would be responsible to translate the business and communication goals, into unique and creative solutions (online and print media).
We need creative folks from different background.. Creative designer / director to conceptualize the initial design / message.. Graphic designers (with photoshop, other photo tools) who can create the collaterals, designs (both online, print) based on the concept given... Other creative roles such as Photographers, Video makers are also invited
3. Desk Research roles: Two skillsets required for this role. The person should have a good internet search experience and should be good with Excel data entering.
Joined04th May, 2013
Employees Involved2
Volunteers Working with us7
NGO URLhttp://www.uncancerindia.org
Contact Details
- Chiragkumar Shanker (Admin)
- B-203, Jaybalaji CHS, Sector 6, Palm Beach Road, Nerul West, Navi Mumbai - 400 706
- 8454822747
- uncancerindia@gmail.com