
Event Assistant for Tribal Lunch Event
A big shout of thanks to Sanofi for Siddesh Rege , who volunteered to assist at our 20th WWH Tribal lunch at Devipada in Aarey milk Colony, Goregaon west on 22 jan 2017. He was very good and suited our task perfectly. He anchored our flea market and registration desk with aplomb. We would like to see more of him at our future events! Thank you Siddesh!
Donated: 6 HoursMy Tasks
Siddhesh is yet to Contribute on Sanofi. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.
Profile Completion Score
- Not Shared
- Not Shared
- 41
- Available on : Sunday Time : Afternoon
- https://sanofi.projectheena.com/siddheshrege
- Contact User by sending an Email
Hours Given6 Hours
Tasks CreatedNo Tasks Created So Far
Karma Points0
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