About us
We are MANTRA - the Maverick Association for Novelty, Transformation and Radical Augmentation.We are a bunch of committed and passionate individuals trying to make this world a place of opportunities. We believe that our Projects (STEP, K-Café), Programs (PreCIOUS, TaRgET) and Products (SPM, GyanKosh) would usher in a new thought process, a rich debate and probably a new way of looking at solutions! We have just begun!
To know more about us, visit www.mantra4change.com

Causes we work on
- Water & Sanitation
- Welfare of War Veterans
Why work with us
“Any man (and woman) who travels with two servants (courage and compassion) and says he (or she) has no money (or resource or intellect) is either a fool or a liar.â€Let’s not be those men and women… Individuals and Organisations (Schools, NGOs, SGHs and Others) can help this Vision grow.
We would love to hear from you. To share your ideas, queries, Contact Us.
Joined11th May, 2013
Employees Involved6
Volunteers Working with us7
NGO URLhttp://www.mantra4change.com
Contact Details
- Santosh More (Admin)
- Benson Town, Bangalore
- 9663254899
- info@mantra4change.com