About us
Asha-Kiran Shelters Foundation is a non-governmental, not-for profit, non-political and non-denominational organization, registered in Pune in 2007 under section 25 now Section 8, of the amended companies Act of 1956, with the aim and the commitment to work in Aid-to-Development realm.
Asha-Kiran Shelters Foundation is an organization formed by people from non-political, diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. Our vision is to be close to the vulnerable children and give support to their lives and dreams, working towards finding an alternative to acquire their basic rights to childhood & advocating for the issues of abandonment, neglect and indifference that they are exposed to in society.
Asha-Kiran defines poverty as the fundamental denial of choices and opportunities in life. The basic rights of a human being are denied whenever a person lacks the possibility of choosing his future and developing his aspirations. Considering the commitment that we have to generate opportunities to revert this situation, our priority is to reach underprivileged children in India, supporting them together with their community and their respective background.
Our Projects are based on the rights set forth by the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. We create and implement programs which generate dignified and self-sufficient living conditions, creating and consolidating spaces where children, families, and communities can count on, enabling them to improve their quality of life. This implies fostering processes of community development which are respectful of our beneficiaries’ traditions and culture.

Causes we work on
- Water & Sanitation
- Welfare of War Veterans
Joined10th May, 2016
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- 35/B Basement, "Nalanda". Lane C, North Main Rd. Koregaon Park Pune 411001 (India).
- 9665505424
- director@asha-kiran.org.in