About Me

Conducting Session on Importance of Education
We greatly appreciates your efforts and support in conducting a session on "Importance of Education" for the children of our community. The children understood the importance from your session and will impart it in their lives. Thank you for creating a positive impact on our children. Hoping to see you conduct more sessions at Janvi.
Donated: 2 Hours
Tree Plantation at Maharashtra Maritime Port Thane - Mumbai
A big thank you for turning up to participate in Tree Plantation Drive at Thane early in the morning despite the heavy rains. The coconut trees planted will help the environment and the local community. Your help is appreciated :)
Donated: 3 Hours
Conducting Session on Importance of Hygiene for Good Health
We greatly appreciates your efforts and support in conducting a sessions on "Importance of Hygiene for Good Health" for the children of our community. The children understood the importance of cleanliness from your sessions and will impart it in their lives. Thanks for creating a positive impact on our children. Hoping to see you conduct more sessions at Janvi.
Donated: 2 Hours
Blood Donation Drive 22-06-2017
Thank you for participating in the recent blood donation drive. Your contribution will definitely contribute to the well-being of patients.
Donated: 1 HoursMy Tasks
vasantha is yet to Contribute on Sanofi. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.
Profile Completion Score
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Male
- 41
- Available on : Saturday Time : Flexible
- https://sanoficsr.in/vasantha
- Contact User by sending an Email
Hours Given8 Hours
Tasks CreatedNo Tasks Created So Far
Karma Points0